Binding My Own Book (Harmonic Waves)

Binding My Own Book (Harmonic Waves)

When I made my own copy of How to Stop Wildfire about two months ago, I knew I was going to make copies for the rest of the series. Starting with the next book, of course—Harmonic Waves.

The cover used for the print/e-copy originally was a painted piece of paper that was supposed to look water-y. I was thinking of doing paints again for the cover for the self-bound book, but I wasn't feeling it.

Then the idea came to me: use stones. Like glass-y stone pebbles. I liked the idea so I went off to the store to find something reasonable. I didn't pick up shiny, heavy stones but instead went with aquarium gravel. I picked up this huge bag of it thinking I'd do the entire cover in it. Then I realized that would probably be a bad idea. I had tacky glue, but I was really skeptical of how it would hold. So I picked up some fabric and decided I'd mix the two.

At this point, I had the book already printed and bound. I had the holes be made a bit larger which made the stitching process so much easier. I was actually consistent with my stitching. It looked pretty good and felt solid.

The cover process did not go so easily. As I experimented with the gravel glued to the backing I was using, I put together the cover board. I took the board and this white cloth material together to make the entire cover.

Cover Board

After I determined the staying power or lack thereof of the gravel, I went ahead and began work on the cover. It was a very time consuming process cutting out wavy strips of fabric and glueing them on and then slowly putting in gravel pieces in spaces that I deemed appropriate. But I finished! And it stayed mostly together!

Harmonic Waves bound

Cost Breakdown


Item Cost
Southworth Linen Paper $30.36
Book Glue Free (already had)
Linen Thread Free (already had)
Linen Cloth for Spine Free (already had)
Board $1.90 (SALE)
White matte cloth Free (already had)
Fabrics $9.99
Tacky Glue $7.13
Gravel $4.05


Action Cost
Printing @ FedEx


Drilling Holes in Book

Free (Family member)

Total: ~ $ 126.47


Technically, I did a much better job putting together the book than the previous one. I'm getting better at this process and I know what I'll do with the next cover to make the end product that much more polished. All together they are going to look brilliant.

The gravel was kind of neat, but I'm worried about it all falling off every time I move it. It might get better as it continues to dry, however.

Whatever. My pictures and the lighting really don't do it justice—the cover looks fantastic. At least, to me it does. And that's what matters!

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