Posts in category publishing - Page 4

The Woes of Createspace and Formatting

The Woes of Createspace and Formatting

I said I was getting back to editing/writing the second book. That lasted a grand total of two days. I was wooed by the prospect of creating PRINT versions of How to Stop Wildfire through Createspace. Having a physical copy...just sounds too good. So being the type of person I am I delved into the world. The interface is simple enough. What to do with it is much trickier. Unlike the realm of ebooks, where conversion is easy and you...

Thought on marketing...

Thought on marketing...

Marketing is slightly creepy. The point of it marketing is to inform you so you can do something. Persuasion and thought-alteration on a mass level. I don't know why but it bothers me on an idealistic level. On a superficial level I completely understand it. It is necessary to get something out. I am having to do it now to spread How to Stop Wildfire and get people to read it. Does not mean I still don't find it slightly...unnerving....

On Book Pricing

On Book Pricing

Pricing. How much does a book cost? Or, how much is How to Stop Wildfire worth? This is a question I spent about 15 minutes on some serious time thinking about. The answer I came up with is $2.99...but with an asterisk and clauses and so on. First off: Why $2.99? Sarah, I thought you were a believer in openness and that you weren't really doing this for the money. I thought you wanted people to read it. Not throw...

The Great Genre Confusion

The Great Genre Confusion

So in the process of getting ready to publish How To Stop Wildfire (I'm projecting late the 20th) I have been setting up the Amazon details for it. Things like title, series, edition number, and etc. The one piece of detail that has been hanging me up for a few days has been category, or genre. Being the ignorant book reader that I am, I just assumed I would slap it into Science-Fiction and be done with it. I...