Tales of the Trinity and the One Volume 1, aka Book 11 RELEASED!

Finally, the next entry in the series is released! Book 11 is under the banner of ‘Tales of the Trinity and the One’, Volume 1 of it, but is still a sequel to Amethyst Shards. It’s under a different banner because these next volumes are more collections of various short stories that are somewhat connected rather than being a coherent, epic narrative. It’s also much shorter than the other books, but longer than The Lost.
Patreon supporters can download Volume 1 for free on the shop here, or you can buy it straight out there.
I am not planning on doing a print copy for Volume 1 independently. Given it’s shorter size, I’m planning on creating a single print copy with it and Volume 2. I may change my mind, but that is the current thinking.
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