The Madness of Light: Choices and Process
I made a video of me talking about my writing! I'm so proud of myself. It's about The Madness of Light, my writing process through it, and my general feelings. It's a long video, but I thought it was interesting talking it through.
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Book Art: TMOL/TCOD as Spiders

Finally got around to making paper mache book art copies of The Madness of Light and The Corruption of Dark. It should be no surprise that they were both made into the form of a spider. Spiders are more complicated than a Clam or a Scorpion, so a wire ‘skeleton’ was used to create their structure before applying paper mache layers around it. I applied multiple rounds of layers onto it to build it up, air drying in between rounds....
Commissioned Art of Kulaszar

I commissioned AR Sullivan once again, this time to do Kulaszar! Kulaszar…who is a Shafien, as in, a shapeshifter. He does have a ‘normal’ form he takes, but…he also can take the form of anything else and has changed into some very interesting shapes in the past. I wanted him in a basically ‘normal’ state but showing off his abilities in the form of tentacles. He makes himself tentacles often so it made sense to me. Given his abilities, though,...