SIA Monster Weekend!

SIA Monster Weekend!

It's time for ANOTHER Support Indie Authors Free Book Blast. This time it is Monster themed, making it the SIAFFB Monster Weekend! That means some corny ads and flyers that are also completely awesome. Like this one:

Eyeballing the listings, it looks pretty large (and fabulous). I'm not sure if it is THE largest, but I think it is contender for being one of the baddest (Shhh) Support Indie Authors book event. I mean, I'm seeing like every genre and some books I know are cooky and spooky. It is a monster themed event, ok, I can make bad puns and jokes and fail at word play. It is what I do.

I recommend basically everything (especially my stuff, but you know who is writing this.) Same old, same old, with my promotions. HTSW free, everything else 99cents. The entire series is on sale. Of Fractured Edges first time. Been waiting for something like this post out the countdown deal. Gotta love the KDP Select perks.





And do the monster mash

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