The Blog of the Empire - Page 31

Sargon and Resonance

Sargon and Resonance

Warning: Harmonic Waves spoilers! Harmonic Waves, book two of the The Adventures of the Trinity and the One introduces a brand new concept, both to the readers and to the world itself. That concept is resonance. Resonance being the term attributed to the technique of a Kharat harmonizing with another part, a Vacore, laying its will and ethereal form on top of it and making it conform to that will. This may seem a bit redundant as a person's body...

Of Fractured Edges Released!

Of Fractured Edges Released!

Of Fractured Edges released! Sorry, I just had to use make it big and bold. It is just so exciting for me. The first four books of The Adventures of the Trinity and the One are out. This is a big milestone for the journey I began many years ago when I first began work on How to Stop Wildfire. When I first started my writing adventure. This marks the end of an era. Red, blue, yellow, green. The color...

Describing Character Faces

Describing Character Faces

Every character has a face and every writer, at some point, has to engage in the process know as describing character faces. As in, put words to their mental picture of a particular character. Whether that character is ugly, pretty, scarred, plain, or whatever, there needs to be some description of what they look like. And Humans, being so facial-centric, usually focus on the face. It makes sense. I don't disagree. Problem is, though, my characters don't really have, eh,...

Of Fractured Edges Cover Reveal + Blurb and Release Date

Of Fractured Edges Cover Reveal + Blurb and Release Date

It is that time again--time for the cover reveal of my next book + blurb + pre-order and all that jazz. I'm lumping it all together because that's how I roll. The book in question is book four of The Adventures of the Trinity and the One is titled Of Fractured Edges. It took me awhile to get to that title. Maybe hours were spent brainstorming it. I knew it had to do with earth and I knew the color...

The Good Days and The Bad Days

The Good Days and The Bad Days

The good days are when I: Can spin a phrase without even trying. Put together dialogue seamlessly. Make only minor mistakes. Plow through a chapter in a sitting. Feel my blood spark with inspiration. Start planning out the future, smiling as I do. Flow through the story and words like I am swimming. Can focus for hours on end. Know exactly where I am going. Create a structure and order that is instantly pleasing. Find the word and phrases to...

SIA Hash's Bash 2.0 Book Event

SIA Hash's Bash 2.0 Book Event

It is that time of the year again. Time for a SIA book event! This one is called Hash's Bash 2.0. It is bigger and better than ever; it is packed with delicious deals and has a longer duration. It takes place from July 1 to July 4. Books will be free, on sale, and book combo packs have reduced prices. It'll be great. There are so many great books going to be on sale and free during the event....