Lately, I've been at a crossroads in this long journey of mine. I've been at a mental standstill in all things I covet because I could not figure out where to go next. This is not at all in a story sense, no, that is all well and good and pure. It is everything that comes after that has spiraled me into questioning everything. Is this the path I want to be on? Why am I doing this? Is this...
When you put yourself out there, you are opening yourself up to criticism. You are putting your product and passion up for the scrutiny of others. Others that may not be aware of what you were trying to do, may have different tastes, and may just be cruel with their words. This is the game of being a creative, of producing anything. There will be critics. I am a critic. I have a food and movie review blog. I like...
I'm a Harry Potter fan. Proud Slytherin. I enjoy the mental quest of sorting characters into Hogwarts Houses. So how could I not want to sort my own characters into the Hogwarts houses? I couldn't! So I went ahead and sorted them into their respective houses. Short Primer for Non-Harry Potter Fans: The Houses to be sorted into are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. They correspond to the general traits of bravery, loyalty, curiosity, and ambition. There are more nuances...
It's time for ANOTHER Support Indie Authors Free Book Blast. This time it is Monster themed, making it the SIAFFB Monster Weekend! That means some corny ads and flyers that are also completely awesome. Like this one: Eyeballing the listings, it looks pretty large (and fabulous). I'm not sure if it is THE largest, but I think it is contender for being one of the baddest (Shhh) Support Indie Authors book event. I mean, I'm seeing like every genre and...
Some Threads that Bind the Tempest allusions For the first four books in the series, there were clear elemental and color themes. How to Stop Wildfire was red and fire, Harmonic Waves was blue and water, Threads that Bind the Tempest was yellow and wind, and Of Fractured Edges was green and earth. But those are the first four themes: What are the The Adventures of the Trinity and the Ones themes moving forward? The answer lies clearly within the...
I'm a bit of a history buff. Egypt was one of my first interests and because of that the series has a variety of Egyptian influences sprinkled throughout it. Religion is a large point where I draw from Egyptian mythology. A few of the Gods in the pantheon of my series are Egyptian in origin. Ra. Osiris. Isis. Anubis. And so on. They function similarly to their Earth counterparts, but with my own take on them, of course. My own...