The Blog of the Empire - Page 3

April 2023 in Art

April 2023 in Art

So little for April 2023 in art that I forgot to make this post until now. All book 11 related in some way. Betters' Tower (Book 11) The Break (Light) Nezah’hi (Stylized)

How to Stop Wildfire Eighth Anniversary

How to Stop Wildfire Eighth Anniversary

I find myself here, eight years on, without too much to say or reflect on in anything particular. Over this year, I’ve written things outside my domain and written more in it (including finishing The Lost). I’ve felt free to explore other ideas and random projects. Not much has come from it, realistically, but it has felt good and fun. I wonder if part of me is avoiding focusing too much on book 11—because it’s starting a big new part...

Commissioned Art of the Three Great Fallen Angels!

Commissioned Art of the Three Great Fallen Angels!

I wanted to get professionally done art of the Three Great Fallen Angels: Capraeaura, Alexia, and Malnoren. They are important, striking characters that have been part of the mythos for a long time so it was time for them to be professionally done by AR Sullivan (all half-bodies). I provided sketches old and new of each, and a rough shot of how I wanted them posed. Alexia’s outfit I wanted to be more yellow/robe like than the sort of ‘copy’...

Commissioned Art of Usana

Commissioned Art of Usana

I wanted to get Usana, Goddess of Dimensions, done so I commissioned AR Sullivan. I only wanted a half body shot of her, since I wasn’t interested in figuring out what her lower body looked like plus I just really wanted an action shot of her drawing her bow back and that’s just needs a half body. For reference: Usana has purple eyes, black hair, and sandy skin. And she wears a purple dress of sorts. As a God, I...

February 2023 in Art

February 2023 in Art

Not much for February 2023 in art…but here it is. Sawapash Throne Room Entrance Span Usana's Back

January 2023 in Art

January 2023 in Art

Here is the super meager amount of art I did in January! It was all really Usana commission prep (which I haven’t initiated yet). I haven’t been in a drawing mood, unfortunately. Usana's Bow Usana's Dress