Honestly, this has been one funky year and I imagine for us all. Things were definitely accomplished last year, for sure, but at times it felt like spinning wheels in place while other things ran free. Progress was intense in some places and then hardly any in others. I am so glad for all of the things I’ve done media-wise like commissions and what not this past year, but… I wish Amethyst Shards had been done by now. That’s what...
Since Balon and Rayacha’s stickers turned out so great, I had to get Sticker Mule stickers of both Lana and Paewar when the opportunity arose. And it did and I seized it! As with Balon and Rayacha, Erika Hollice gave me transparent versions of their artwork. Their sticker forms look fantastic, super pleased as always! If you’re interested in trying Sticker Mule, you can use my referral link to get some credit:
Okay, this commission of Paewar Zfnoc by Erika Hollice might be a bit of a surprise, unlike the Lana Zfhi commission. I wasn’t actually sure if I was going to even commission Paewar Zfnoc at first, but he deserves artwork made of him and he is a ‘test’ of the dark effects/Zfnoc tone that will be used heavily with…someone else that will be done after this. But, anyway, here’s what I thought of Paewar Zfnoc going in and the general...
Since I commissioned Haasio for Dien, it was only apt I did so for Hequera as well. It was natural and expected. The end is known in the beginning…but in this case the beginning is known in the end. Hequera was an easier commission to rationalize in many ways since Dien had already been done and Hequera was going to be less complicated (mostly by nature). The general shape was constant between them with some adjustments. Hequera’s color was more...
If you’ve been on the Spine recently, you may have noticed that things are very different now in terms of design. The Spine has has a pretty major face lift. I received some advice from a designer friend of mine, Kelly Rauwerdink, on The Spine of the Empire’s website design, mostly focused on the home page. There was a lot to take in and a lot to improve. The Major Design Changes The home page, save some copy, was gutted...
As a member of the main cast, commissioning Dien was inevitable. But, Dien, by nature, was going to be trickier to get done. As a Dracite, she really has no commonality with a Human at all…as she is a Dracite. As in, a Dragon. Dragon artwork is a specialty of its own, so I knew I had to find someone who was specialized in it. But, thankfully, I knew someone who excelled in this type of work and that I...