January 2022 in Art

Here is the art I did in January. It falls into two categories: The Lost related and interpretations of Tyra Tarkush characters.
All of this art was done on the iPad Mini with the Apple Pencil on Procreate. My skills are improving with it.

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September 2024 in Art

Various pieces of art for/from Volume 2. Played with some new styles and brushes. I overall like the results.
Crochet Jurak

The crochet Jurak I made is BIG. I didn’t intend for him to be this big, but I’m bad with scale. As a result, he was hard to photograph. He was a beast to make too! Like with Chatzu’kuan, I took terrible notes/steps. I think what I consider BLO is actually FLO…so asterisk with that if you are trying to follow my instructions. {% include image-gallery.html gallery=page.gallery class=”half” %} Back legs Mr 4 Inc 4 Inc 2 sc 8 Inc...