Posts in category writing - Page 4

Harmonic Waves Chapter Names

Harmonic Waves Chapter Names

So Harmonic Waves is in the editing stage, so most everything is already polished and done. Including the chapter names, which I have complained about doing before. I have all the chapters named, so I'm deciding to share them. There are twenty four chapters total, more than with How to Stop Wildfire. Some of the chapters names are probably going to change before it gets published. Which is to be expected. Tweaking something is what I do best. Regardless: here...

HTSW Point of View Analysis

HTSW Point of View Analysis

How to Stop Wildfire and the subsequent books are based on a non-omniscient third-person point of view. Certain characters get to color the narration. And some, the titular 'Trinity and the One,' have an accessible thought process. A stream of consciousness. I like to think of the POV as like a microphone that the Trinity and the One characters seize from each other. That is why POV can change within a page. It is a fluid prospect. But for the...

Writing the Character Cyclone

Writing the Character Cyclone

If I want my writing (not world-building) to be known for anything I want it to be remembered for having really witty dialogue (at some points,) and being kind of hilarious. Most of this can be attributed to one character, Cyclone. It is hard to quantify the enjoyment I derive from figuring out the most elegant, hysterical, and slyly insulting things for him to spew. While also incorporating rhyming, alliteration or another semi-poetic device. I am not going to lie....

Titles and Names

Titles and Names

I hate the titling and naming process. Okay scratch that: I DO like naming characters. Only certain characters. Most notably the non-Human characters. Humans. Ugh. Back in the day (years, years, years) ago, I gave all the Humans super-generic names. Like Bob. Mary. Sue. John. Terrible, terrible names (no offense to anyone with said names, but when the two main characters are named Bob and Jill, well it seems like a children's book.) I have zero creativity with those types...

Getting Back to Writing

Getting Back to Writing

I have been so caught up in the self-publishing process that I have been lax on continuing to write the series. I essentially took a 1-2 month break and wow does it feel both weird and good to get back to writing. Been so long since actually writing these characters, but it doesn't feel unfamiliar. I guess it is like riding a bicycle: never really forget how to, it just is a little bit rusty at first. The only problem...