Posts in category stories - Page 2

Vashwva: A Short Story on the Fall of the Diamondae - 2014 & 2020 Versions

Vashwva: A Short Story on the Fall of the Diamondae - 2014 & 2020 Versions

‘Vashwva’ was a short story I wrote in 2014…and have revised now in 2020! Vashwva, as some of you know already, means inevitability and is a Diamondae Aspect. Vashwva, as a short story, is a story of chaos, inevitability, and the fall of the Diamondae. Archalex, a Diamondae, and Catasore have a conversation as the Diamondae are obliterated. It was originally written to explain Vashwva and Catas (chaos) so it was drier and more exposition based. The rewrite seeks to...

Sepulcher of Shadows: A Short Story following The Madness of Light

Sepulcher of Shadows: A Short Story following The Madness of Light

It has been a long, long while since I’ve done a short story. It feels good! This one is called the ‘Sepulcher of Shadows’. You can read it here on the Spine of the Empire. It is related to the events of The Madness of Light, so heavy spoilers abound. It is specifically related to Lana Zfhi’s claim that even if they tried to create another Zfhi Avatar from the genetic material of the dead, they would fail. So, in...

Moved The Recordings Series to The Spine

Moved The Recordings Series to The Spine

Just a quick update regarding some website house keeping: I gutted my old Github Pages website and moved the Recordings to the Spine and the rest of the technical blog posts over to my personal website. Basically…consolidating my digital footprint. The Recordings series was written as a technical blog post series, but it does involve races and things from the world so it belongs here and now it’s finally home! It IS unfinished, but still a fun read, I think....

The Corruption of Dark Afterword (+ Recording)

The Corruption of Dark Afterword (+ Recording)

This afterword is a retrospective on characters and change. A character's change and the retaining of identity.

Harmonic Waves Retrospection (+ Recording!)

Harmonic Waves Retrospection (+ Recording!)

Here I am again with the recordings! This is the second of my additions to the novels. How to Stop Wildfire it felt natural to have a preface to explain the journey to it and explain it. With Harmonic Waves, my thoughts lingered on the content and what it meant rather than the journey so I chose to do a retrospection that is at the end of the novel. There are some spoilers within which is all the more reason...

How to Stop Wildfire Preface (+ Recording!)

How to Stop Wildfire Preface (+ Recording!)

This is me reading aloud the new preface before How to Stop Wildfire. Once I get all the books converted Lulu, it will be in the print copy in addition to the new electronic copy version you can get from me. You can also read it below if you hate listening to recordings like I do: A Story Before A Story Once upon a time, there were a few scraps of paper within a notebook that contained a story titled...