Posts in category personal - Page 3

How to Stop Wildfire Third Anniversary

How to Stop Wildfire Third Anniversary

Today is April 22nd, 2018. It is the third anniversary of the release of How to Stop Wildfire. It’s also my birthday, which is no coincidence, but I don’t care for making a fuss over birthdays. Anniversaries, specifically related to How to Stop Wildfire, specifically for third ones, however, are something I tend to think about more. These three years... How to Stop Wildfire was published April 22nd, 2015. Little less than five months later, Harmonic Waves was released September...

The Madness of Light Afterword (+ Recording!)

The Madness of Light Afterword (+ Recording!)

This afterword delves more into the plot and character process of the story than anything else. It's how process and prose intermingle.

Expansion Expression Foreword (+ Recording!)

Expansion Expression Foreword (+ Recording!)

And now I'm currently all caught up with forewords/afterwords. Here's the foreword/preface for Expansion Expression, which sort of kicks off the vibe for the novel and the series moving forward. It's definitely lighter than the other ones. As always, I enjoyed writing and recording it.

Of Fractured Edges Afterword (+ Recording!)

Of Fractured Edges Afterword (+ Recording!)

The last of the first four afterwords/forewords—the one for Of Fractured Edges. This...this one might be the most intense of them, emotionally. Longest as well for sure. Most spoilerific too, so beware.

Threads that Bind the Tempest Afterword/Explanation (+ Recording!)

Threads that Bind the Tempest Afterword/Explanation (+ Recording!)

Here we are again. This time with the afterword-thing for Threads that Bind the Tempest. This is probably the most disjointed one of the lot, but it makes sense given what Threads that Bind the Tempest is. I could have put this before or after the book, but I put it after. I don't know. It made sense there. Of course, I recorded myself reading it.

Harmonic Waves Retrospection (+ Recording!)

Harmonic Waves Retrospection (+ Recording!)

Here I am again with the recordings! This is the second of my additions to the novels. How to Stop Wildfire it felt natural to have a preface to explain the journey to it and explain it. With Harmonic Waves, my thoughts lingered on the content and what it meant rather than the journey so I chose to do a retrospection that is at the end of the novel. There are some spoilers within which is all the more reason...