2021 has gone by both quickly and very slowly. This was a pretty…severely mixed year for me. Extreme lows, and pretty good highs. I would say that I’m very happy that 2021 is soon to be over. There were some good things that happened during it, though. Here’s a list of the top seven Spine related ones… #7 Tarot Minor Arcana Assignment This was a continuation of last year’s work on mapping characters/things to Tarot card concepts. I did Major...
Honestly, this has been one funky year and I imagine for us all. Things were definitely accomplished last year, for sure, but at times it felt like spinning wheels in place while other things ran free. Progress was intense in some places and then hardly any in others. I am so glad for all of the things I’ve done media-wise like commissions and what not this past year, but… I wish Amethyst Shards had been done by now. That’s what...
2020 was…well, it was quite something. But it really was a big year for the Spine of the Empire and my world. It felt like this was the year I just committed to…just going out there and doing things. Patreon was a big reason for this. A few of these accomplishments below were driven by having a Patreon page and communicating with you all. This post itself is because of that pressure to actually produce. And so this post is...
Throughout my journeys with commissioning character portraits, a failure of mine has been put out into the open: my failure to really ‘see’ some of my characters faces (the Humanoid ones especially). This is a weakness of my visualization and my mind’s eye. I know it and accept it, but it’s also relatively well hidden. This weakness is hidden well because the original main characters don’t have ‘normal’ faces. Cyclone’s head is a skull that is underneath a striking helmet....
Has it really been five years? It really has been. I can’t fathom it and yet at the same time, now, at the near end of this major arc with Emerald Haze, the years seem far too apt. It has been a long while since I first scrappily put out How to Stop Wildfire. That was a major accomplishment for myself. It was so small in a way, and yet, it was massive. It was the foundation of all that...
Time just flies by. Four years have gone by since I released How to Stop Wildfire. It was rocky and wild at first. I knew so little and then learned so much. Four years of writing and change. At the time of this writing, I have released six other books since then. I’m working on making it seven. Working on finishing out this set of four so in four years I’ve written eight books total. This process has made me...