Threads that Bind the Tempest Released!

Book three of The Adventures of the Trinity and the One, Threads that Bind the Tempest, has been released! Fantastic, no? I am very proud of this one. It has a different tone, darker, I think, than the other novels thus far, but it sets the stage for a lot to come. It is very powerful, in my opinion. Writing it was rather hard, but the end-result is perfect.
I hope that everyone will enjoy Threads that Bind the Tempest just as I did.
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The Lost Print Copy

Finally The Lost in print form! It’s a slim 6x9 copy. The interior margins were too tight to the spine for my liking so I’ve adjusted it going forward. It is now up for purchase now on Lulu. I’m pleased with it. {% include image-gallery.html gallery=page.general %}

The Lost, my first ‘novella’, is finally done. After…like seven years of not really working on it, but always knowing I would, it is finally done. It feels good. I haven’t worked on / gotten the print copy yet, so that will be forthcoming.