The Blog of the Empire - Page 42

Short Collection of Thoughts and Stories

Short Collection of Thoughts and Stories

I used to run a blog where I posted random short stories on dreams and the mind. I ran out of time to update it consistently, so I am turning all the posts into a short collection that I am going to offer for free. Right now I am just editing it and cleaning it up. Estimating it to be ready and done within a week to two weeks.

On KDP Free Promotions

On KDP Free Promotions

I enrolled How to Stop Wildfire in KDP Select basically when I first published it. This means that it is Kindle-exclusive and that I get special 'perks.' Like higher royalty rates in certain countries and promotion offers. The promo offers have two flavors: free and sale. Both can be max five days per 90day enrollment period, but you can only choose one per period. Kind of annoying, but whatever, there it is. For May 4th - May 6th I decided...

New Book Cover for How to Stop Wildfire!

New Book Cover for How to Stop Wildfire!

Woo hoo! It is done! HTSW has a new book cover that is hopefully, much, much better. I think it looks pretty awesome.

The Woes of Createspace and Formatting

The Woes of Createspace and Formatting

I said I was getting back to editing/writing the second book. That lasted a grand total of two days. I was wooed by the prospect of creating PRINT versions of How to Stop Wildfire through Createspace. Having a physical copy...just sounds too good. So being the type of person I am I delved into the world. The interface is simple enough. What to do with it is much trickier. Unlike the realm of ebooks, where conversion is easy and you...

Getting Back to Writing

Getting Back to Writing

I have been so caught up in the self-publishing process that I have been lax on continuing to write the series. I essentially took a 1-2 month break and wow does it feel both weird and good to get back to writing. Been so long since actually writing these characters, but it doesn't feel unfamiliar. I guess it is like riding a bicycle: never really forget how to, it just is a little bit rusty at first. The only problem...

Thought on marketing...

Thought on marketing...

Marketing is slightly creepy. The point of it marketing is to inform you so you can do something. Persuasion and thought-alteration on a mass level. I don't know why but it bothers me on an idealistic level. On a superficial level I completely understand it. It is necessary to get something out. I am having to do it now to spread How to Stop Wildfire and get people to read it. Does not mean I still don't find it slightly...unnerving....