The Blog of the Empire - Page 37

How to Stop Wildfire Book Trailer

How to Stop Wildfire Book Trailer

Hey! I made a book trailer for How to Stop Wildfire. Yea, it is a little bit rough around the edges but it gets the point across.

Who to Write for

Who to Write for

Who do you write for? There are actually two ways to interpret that question. Who to write for as in a more literal, who-is-your-audience type way. As in, who is going to read said work. The intended audience. Like if you are writing a post about start-ups, then your audience is someone in that business or interested in being in that business. The other way is the more metaphorical sense. Who are you writing for. In the greater way. Like...

Interview with A. F. Stewart

Interview with A. F. Stewart

Interviews galore! I did an interview with fellow author A. F. Stewart. The process was very easy and enjoyable. Here it is.

If you use DRM, I hate you.

If you use DRM, I hate you.

Also published on Medium Preface: I don't use DRM on my books. Do what you want with it. Pirate it for all I care. If people are reading it, I'm happy. Brendan Mruk and Matt Lee If you use DRM, I hate you. DRM is terrible. It needs to die in a fire and never come back. I bought something. Doesn’t that mean I own it and I can do whatever I want (barring distribution/piracy) with it? Dammit, I just...

Harmonic Waves (book 2) Released!

Harmonic Waves (book 2) Released!

Harmonic Waves, book two in The Adventures of the Trinity and the One, has been released. Yay! Woo hoo. It is a political thriller-esque humorous novel with some poignant parts. I'm extremely pleased. It is an emotional roller coaster that really shows how much I have improved since writing How to Stop Wildfire. Essentially I wrote Harmonic Waves a few years after HTSW; I spent that time editing the latter. HW was easier to edit because the base quality of...

Cartoon Propaganda Posters

Cartoon Propaganda Posters

I've been practicing my computer-art skills. I decided to make cartoon propaganda posters of the main four. Cyclone, King, Spellbinder, and Farrco. They all are kind of terrible in their own way, but I think it is important to try new things and learn new skills. Cyclone looks like a cartoon character version of himself. I think he would be proud.. King looks dorky, but he is sparking up so whatever. Drew him with the bracelet! Woo hoo! Spellbinder, is...