The Blog of the Empire - Page 33

Actual Racial Diversity in My Characters

Actual Racial Diversity in My Characters

In an other post I talked about gender diversity in my cast of characters. That is all well and interesting and relevant to current society and the state of media, but a bit immaterial in the Empire of my world as gender doesn't really have meaning asides from personal preference. A moot issue. A issue that is slightly less moot in the Empire is a individual's race (species, if you are unfamiliar with my lingo.) As in, whether an individual...

SIA Book Event: Free and 99cents

SIA Book Event: Free and 99cents

Another Support Indie Authors Book Blast! This time both How to Stop Wildfire and Harmonic Waves are having events. The former is free and the latter is 99cents! Excellent, right? Not only that, but of course, book three just came out. So pick up the entire series so far. It's awesome. Also pick up everyone else's books, because they are great too. Click here for more information and awesome book deals.

Threads that Bind the Tempest Released!

Threads that Bind the Tempest Released!

Book three of The Adventures of the Trinity and the One, Threads that Bind the Tempest, has been released! Fantastic, no? I am very proud of this one. It has a different tone, darker, I think, than the other novels thus far, but it sets the stage for a lot to come. It is very powerful, in my opinion. Writing it was rather hard, but the end-result is perfect. I hope that everyone will enjoy Threads that Bind the Tempest...

Interweaving Multiple Tones

Interweaving Multiple Tones

Life is filled with humor and sadness. Tragedy and absurdity. Drama and dullness. Everything is a part of everything. So my work reflects that. I think saying that a work should have x tone or be 'dark,' is kind of silly, unless you are going for a specifically genre-defined work. And I think it is just too restricting. I can write whatever I want to how I want it to be. So I have humorous sections and really tragic sections....

Common Writing Mistakes I Make

Common Writing Mistakes I Make

A short list of common writing mistakes that I fall prey to constantly and some thoughts on them. Cause it is good to tell the world what you suck. This is very cathartic. I think every writer should do it. Including people who write but are not 'writers.' Showing off your problems so you can improve and so on. Whatever. Here we go: Using 'lied' instead of 'laid.' I like how 'lied' sounds, but I suppose laid is more correct....

Threads that Bind the Tempest (Book 3) Cover and Blurb!

Threads that Bind the Tempest (Book 3) Cover and Blurb!

It's that time. When you get the appetizer to the next story, in this case Threads that Bind the Tempest. The pre-story story. The lovely and enigmatic blurb. I'll stop talking now. Here is the cover to Threads that Bind the Tempest, in all its glory. Stare at it and bask in its glory. I like it a lot. And for the more substantial part. The blurb to TTBTT: The Trinity and the One’s latest adventure threatens to unravel both...