The story starts like this: I write a story. It takes me many years to get to a point where it is passable. It takes a few more to make me proud of it. It will take less than one afterwards to realize how far I've come since it. But we're not there yet. I wrote a story and I thought I wanted to share that story. So I shoved into onto sub-par medium (Amazon Kindle) because I hoped everyone...
I've been radio silent lately on most things related to fiction writing. I've been the occasional review on food and whatever movie and TV show I happened to have words about, but as far as fiction goes, I've been dead. That has primarily to do with pulling in as far as publishing for the public and instead focusing inward. So what that means to say is that I haven't stopped writing completely. Editing has been slow on Expansion Expression, but...
As part of my liberation from Amazon and other methods of distributing electronic book copies, I have gained the ability to format my eBooks in whatever way I want to. There are many features and capabilities that exist in the ePub 3 format that have not been present in any Amazon format. Some of them are, for sure, but how to actually get that in an Amazon copy is very annoying. It can be done, but neither easily nor in...
My day-job is software development and as part of my rite-of-passage to attain that position I had to start a programming blog and write posts about it. For awhile I wrote plain posts doing just that. Vaguely snarky things just going over what I had learned and all that dull jazz. Then I read a series of programming posts called the The Craftsman Articles. I was inspired, which is never a good thing. A devious idea came to my Neraq...
So what happened in 2016? More than can be iterated here, certainly, but this is mainly a focus on what transpired in my writing career and how The Adventures of the Trinity and the One developed. Which isn't short list, to be sure, but it is definitely more focused. So where to begin? Well, let's start with the novels. 27/3/2016 - Threads that Bind the Tempest was released. 31/8/2016 - Of Fractured Edges was released. Two novels were published! Half...
And another Character Interview! Feels belated, but Of Fractured Edges had some intense stuff going on in it and I couldn't just ask Farrco for an interview so soon after it. I had to give him some time. This is set sometime after Of Fractured Edges, but does not directly reference anything so no hard spoilers. Some allusions, but that is about it. Interviewer: Shalaeyah, Farrco. Farrco: Shalaeyah. So how has the Trinity and the One been doing? After all...