This afterword delves more into the plot and character process of the story than anything else. It's how process and prose intermingle.
Almost a year ago I started on the process of binding my own books. In 2017, I did How to Stop Wildfire and Harmonic Waves. Due to a variety of reasons, I didn't do any others last year. I waited until 2018. Wanting to get Threads that Bind the Tempest done before its anniversary, I went ahead and did it. Threads that Bind the Tempest was the first and only cover where the art was wholly digital. It was a...
Here’s the art I did in 2017 (excluding book scenes/anything spoilerific), organized by month. January Gladiacon Portrait Pakuqua Znoc and Djaraxen Zfhi Cyclone looking awesome February Hequera Lana Zfhi Khapiela Quahwu Chatzu'kuan March The Wonder The Tree The Sun The Pillar The Omen The Monarch The Grasp The Gaze The Break April Robo Knight Cyclone Side King Side Spellbinder Side Farrco Side May None. June Zfhi Palace The Cathedral Vapaezyre teeth out Rayacha Chajaran Empirian Envoy Chatzukuan's Face Cyclone staring...
The Madness of Light has formally been released. By formally, I mean, I've put up the links to buy it on Lulu and I'm saying if you want an electronic copy, I'll give it to you. That is all, carry on.
So...long story short: TMOL was so long that I couldn't make a normal paperback copy. So I had to make a hardcover copy. That messed things up a bit with getting the book finished as I had to figure out how to make a hardcover cover. The 'bleed' areas are much larger with a hardcover version so I had to move text around and make it smaller against the artwork. I found my way, though. The final version is going...
I've pulled my stuff together, guys. I'm so close to finishing The Madness of Light I can taste it. And I finished the blurb so the page is up. It'll be ready to share in a few weeks. Also, teaser: This one necessitates a hard cover copy so at least for a little while one could buy hard cover copies of it once I get it done. BE PREPARED.