Emerald Haze RELEASED!

Emerald Haze, the ninth book in the series, is done and ‘released’! It has been a long, strange journey getting here. It tested me and the characters in ways never before experienced. It was intense…very intense. But it’s over now. It is ready for consumption. I imagine there will be much discussion from Emerald Haze, and it will all be due for it. It’s a very…character driven book, despite it also existing at the ‘apex’ of a certain quest. The apex is truly a character study, or rather, validation that this is the way… It’s quite beautiful, I think. And hopefully you will too!
Note: Print is still pending. I’m waiting on my Lulu print copy…I should get it really soon and that’ll be a separate post, assuming it looks OK, since everything is different this time around. More to come!
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The Lost Print Copy

Finally The Lost in print form! It’s a slim 6x9 copy. The interior margins were too tight to the spine for my liking so I’ve adjusted it going forward. It is now up for purchase now on Lulu. I’m pleased with it. {% include image-gallery.html gallery=page.general %}

The Lost, my first ‘novella’, is finally done. After…like seven years of not really working on it, but always knowing I would, it is finally done. It feels good. I haven’t worked on / gotten the print copy yet, so that will be forthcoming.