August 2022 in Art

All artwork done this month was from Jurak’s Day and its ‘continuation’, except for the portrait of Zaresh. Nitocris’s full body art had a few iterations, but I’m just showing the latest.
I’m not entirely pleased with Zaresh.

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September 2024 in Art

Various pieces of art for/from Volume 2. Played with some new styles and brushes. I overall like the results.
Crochet Jurak

The crochet Jurak I made is BIG. I didn’t intend for him to be this big, but I’m bad with scale. As a result, he was hard to photograph. He was a beast to make too! Like with Chatzu’kuan, I took terrible notes/steps. I think what I consider BLO is actually FLO…so asterisk with that if you are trying to follow my instructions. {% include image-gallery.html class=”half” %} Back legs Mr 4 Inc 4 Inc 2 sc 8 Inc...